We're pleased to announce that we have completed extensive improvement works on the Top Match Lake ensuring accessibility to the sport of fishing. In collaboration with the Angling Trust and the British Disabled Angling Association, we have successfully completed extensive improvement works. A hardstanding pathway has been created, a family fishing platform installed, and all swims fully refurbished to ensure disabled access. All work was completed to BDAA standards ensuring the lake is accessible to anglers of all abilities.
In March 2016 Picks Cottage Fishery invited the British Disabled Angling Association to complete a Fishery Audit of disabled access across the complex. This report provided a valuable insight into accessibility requirements and ensured a framework for future development. Following their recommendations we applied for funding via the Angling Trusts Fishery Improvement Fund who granted a £5,000 award towards the cost of the project. Works commenced in November 2016 and were completed in March 2017.
Circumnavigating an entire lake with a pathway proved challenging. A great deal of time was also spent waist deep in water to refurbish the previous swims which were all in various stages of disrepair. Many areas of the lake had to be raised to ensure level access but the final outcome has certainly been worth the effort.
Following the completion of this project we will commence planning towards future areas of improvement. I would like to personally thank the Angling Trust and BDAA for their contributions, without which this project would not have been possible.